Surprise!Surprise! Two of the most handsome creatures to ever walk the face of the earth. The team whose gorgeous locks flow in the wind like a thoroughbred racing in an open field. The tastiest snacks in the whole universe...
Teamname: Pretty Deadly Name: Elton Prince & Kit Wilson
Herkunft: London, England Größe: 6 ft 1 & 5 ft 11 Gewicht: Rude question to be honest. Gesinnung: Oh please, darling, just look at us.
Signature Moves: - Assisted Gut Check - Corner Assisted Double Knee Facebreaker - Double Backbreaker - Double Shoulder Block followed by a Running Splash & Leg Drop Combination - Lawn Dart into Elbow Strike - Leapfrog Elbow Drop - Leapfrog DDT - Chickenwing Facebuster & Jumping Bulldog Combination Finisher: Spilt Milk (Spinebuster & Running Neckbreaker Combination)